resting your mind

resting your mind is something that I find difficult. Being an avid overthinker, I find myself worrying too much about stupid shit and overclocking my mind alot. The pressure, stress and suffering that is all self made deteriorates my mental energy and state.

It honestly feels weird, being the opposite of others. Where others are too busy doing shit and don’t have mental space for anything. I find myself constantly beating myself up over ‘not doing anything’. I’m ‘not doing anything’ to rest my mind. I’m ‘not doing anything’ to feed my soul or heart. By not doing anything physically, I’m not resting my mind and letting those thoughts run wild.

Our bodies and minds are separate yet connected entities, one cannot work without the other. Resting your body can be done through sleep, but resting your mind is something different. It may be doing something stimulating, like dance, reading a book or creating something. What I’ve thought of is entering ‘flow’ and detach your mind but live in the present, it might be a way to temporarily get away from the overthinking, and to come back with a fresh mindset.

At the end of the day, do what seems instinctual, don’t think about it too much and remember to have fun.

Make the thing; world peace.

Going to new environments feeds back into your daily life. Also how to rest your mind.

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