
Beating yourself up is a form of running away. There’s nothing you can do but to focus & to live in the present moment, in the now.

Because there is nothing but the now.

All the times where you wish you were different, or thought you were “better than this” or lament about the past. That shit doesn’t exist anymore. In a sense, it’s just an excuse for you to run away, to avoid confronting the present.

I was like that, and still am. Constantly thinking about the past or what I want to be in the future, that I neglect the present.
That ultimately, what’s realest is the step I’m currently taking on the walk/ travel that is life.

When you are on a journey, it certainly is helpful to know where you are going or at least the general direction in which you are moving, but don’t forget: The only thing that is ultimately real about your journey is the step that you are taking at this moment. That’s all there ever is.”

Eckhart Tolle (The Power of Now)

It’s easy to forget, but if you just pause and take a deep breath. Look around and appreciate what’s around you. The time it took for the mountains to form. The people who live opposite you… and the knowledge they posses, that you won’t ever know. Even the plants next to you… the time it took for them to evolve into this state, and what they do, just to live.

(you know, cats, dogs, bears, gorillas, plants, they for sure don’t give any shits about their future or their past. They’re out here livin’.)

So really, don’t worry about anything. (Because there literally isn’t anything worth worrying about.)

Just take a deep breath, look around you… and appreciate life, for what is.

doubt the doubt
no regrets
love and peace.