comparing yourself to others


It’s super easy to compare yourself to others, especially in this day and age of social media. You’re constantly exposed to a feed of others’ highlight reels, and when you look at your own you just think: “damn, I’m not doing shit…”

It unintentionally puts you into that spiral of negative bias, where you put pressure and stress yourself out because others are ‘doing more than you’. But at the end of the day, life is full of ups and downs, and seeing others when they are rising is completely negating the other 50%. Other people are going through the same shit, same troubles, same pressures, stresses and trying to find themselves in this world (same same but different).

It’s all part of the journey, just because you only perceive a certain part, doesn’t mean the other parts don’t exist. It’s all about perspective.
To you, what they’re doing might not even be “their best self”, it might just be a small step in their long ass journey. What we consider to be ‘good enough’ just depends on how we see it. When others see your life, they might think it’s ‘good enough’, but at the end of the day there are other things that you are chasing, and what the things that make you fulfilled and happy might be different.

Remember what you personally prioritize, and try not to let others get to you. The opinions of those who truly matter to you are the ones that actually matter, and it’s a matter of filtering out the noise. The person that you can compare yourself to is really yourself. Have the courage to take the first step and continue on the journey that only you can walk. Believe in yourself and remember to have fun.

make the thing; world peace.

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